

I don’t know which of the 10 plant and nut oils in Face Hero did the job, but after a week, my skin was all but back to normal and then some. It was a miracle.


July 2019



Elite Daily Reading Whimn 1 minute Next Marie Claire

I was stumped as to what I could put on it that wouldn’t irritate it (or worse still, make the infection reappear) but would give my face a good hit of hydration that it desperately needed to speed up the healing process.

And that’s when the Face Hero came into play. I started putting it on my face morning and night in the hope that it would at the very least not make it any worse. In hindsight this was a gamble, but it certainly paid off.

I don’t know which of the 10 plant and nut oils in that bottle did the job (I suspect it was the jojoba, but I also think the rosehip is a safe bet), but after a week, my skin was all but back to normal and then some. It was nothing short of a miracle.

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