How to make a Sud Bud pot plant.

How to make a Sud Bud pot plant.

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So, you had enough bubble baths to use up a whole Sud Bud? (You squeaky clean sod!) Here’s how you can get all grubby again, turning your empty packaging into a highly adorable herb planter.

You'll need:
- Sud Bud (empty!)
- Drill and 1-2mm drill bit (plus, a grown-up to help!)
- Small dish 
- Potting mix
- Herb seeds 
- Water
- Sunshine
- Patience!


1. Clean your Sud Bud container and cut the top off, just above the face.


2. Have a handy grown-up drill 5-8 holes in the base for drainage.


3. Fill to the top with potting mix, then you’re ready to sow your seeds!


4. Following the packet directions, sprinkle in the seeds and water.


5. Place your Sud Bud pot in a sunny spot and watch your herbs grow! 

(It might take a while. There’s definitely time for a Wiggles dance party, or five.)
