How To Reinvigorate Your Skin After A Cold Or Flu

How To Reinvigorate Your Skin After A Cold Or Flu

‘Tis officially flu season. (In other words: hot choccy season.) So when, and only when, you can confidently un-stuff that tissue from your nose without fear of dripping in public, we think you should direct your attention to resuming that much-needed skincare regime.  

Spoiler: Your skin, it’s likely feeling as sad, sore, and scratchy as your throat has been for the past fortnight. Here’s how you can gain back some of that BAU brightness. 

To soothe a sore nose.

One of the most common problems for anyone with a cold or flu is the constant sniffles. The skin under and around the nose becomes really inflamed and sensitised from the 3,487 tissues that have been dragged under your schnoz.  

What you don’t want to do is try and conceal the skin as this will only cause further irritation. Be super gentle when cleansing this area morning and night - no scrubbing. You’ll want to avoid applying any harsh/strong actives in this area while it heals, too. 

The skin around your nose has been stripped of moisture so the aim here is to rehydrate. Use products rich in water-locking ingredients like glycerin or hyaluronic acid (that also help strengthen the skin barrier). Super soothing and nourishing skincare is your new best friend. 

To heal chapped lips. 

You’ve likely become a mouth-breather with that congested nose, and we’ll comfortably hedge our bets on you waking with very dry, cracked lips because of it. Enter: conditioning lip balms only

Our first recommendation is to try and refrain from biting, picking, or licking your lips in search of immediate relief. When your lips are dry, it feels natural to wet them by licking them, but this only worsens the problem - as the saliva evaporates your skin becomes even drier. 

A lip balm with ultra medical grade lanolin is going to be your bedside saviour. (Hey! We have one of those!) Otherwise find a formula that is jam-packed with really nourishing and moisturising ingredients like: beeswax, shea butter, almond oil, and vitamin e. 

To un-puff the eyes. 

When you’re sick, your eyes naturally look puffier. This is because the cavities that naturally drain fluid out of your face are probably blocked by congestion in your sinuses. That, and the severe lack of sleep while you fight off fevers. 

This sick skin symptom will very much fade naturally as you get back to full health. But if you are in need of a quick fix, gently sweeping a cold facial roller under the eyes will help to reduce some of the inflammation. 

To reinvigorate the skin. 

Like I said, prying yourself out of bed to complete your skincare routine is bottom of the to-do list. (Well below Re-watch Sex And The City, and Eat Chicken Soup.) Which means your skin can start to look a little dull, dehydrated, washed out when you’re in the thick of a cold or flu. 

Ensure the products you do get back to using are antioxidant-rich to help calm redness and fend off any additional environmental pressures or free radicals: air pollution, UV radiation, pesticides, poor nutrition. 

If a jolt of refreshment is what you’re after, a serum-drenched sheet mask is going to immediately brighten the skin. A low-energy way to cool, plump, and quickly hydrate your face. Otherwise reach for a creamy barrier repair mask that is stacked with ceramides, to really soothe and calm the skin. Especially when you haven't routinely moisturised for over a week…

Above all, give your body and skin some time to heal. 

And we’ll see you, you lil’ snot monster, on the other (glowier, healthier) side.